Friday, November 25, 2011

Sound Fusion 2011

お久しぶり!That was a long blogging break, I have been busy for the past months but I got to squeeze in this event or concert put together by the Japan Foundation Manila. It was held last November 16, 2011 at the Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium RCBC Plaza. The concert features the groups Trinity, Matsumoto Taiko and Bandang Malaya.

Trinity is composed of Chikudo Takahashi (shamisen), Kei Wada (percussion) and Miki Maruta (koto). Formed in 2006 they released their first album in 2009.

Matsumoto Taiko is a Japanese singer/songwriter over a broad genre ranging from traditional Japanese folk to western jazz.

Bandang Malaya is a local Filipino band whose sound is a mix of ethnic Filipino music with a modern twist. They provided live music for Akeyuku Sora in this year's Manila International Film Festival.

The name of the event or concert is Sound Fusion and it couldn't have been more apt. It was a mix of two cultures: Japanese and Filipino; Old - traditional music and Modern Music; Jazz and Pop... It was an amazing experience that blew my mind. As a musician myself I never expected the mix of traditional Japanese instruments used in western Jazz and Pop and as a Beatles fan the medley was just amazing.

Another big pat on the back to Japan Foundation Manila for organizing this amazing concert. Keep it up and more power to your endeavors.